Auditions will be conducted on 3rd August, 2011 from 1:30 PM onwards
The following are the categories:
1. Acting
2. Scriptwriting
3. Stage Management (including costume managers, technical managers, scene shifters etc)

Rules: (Acting)
1. Please register online (using the registration tab or via email)
2. We will be sending you short snippets which you will have to perform on the day of auditions
3. A small personal interview will also be conducted on the day of auditions
4. You may also be asked to perform on an impromptu situation
5. Detailed instructions will be emailed to you, upon registration

Rules: (Scriptwriting)
1. Please register online (using the registration tab or via email)
2. You will need to email us a copy of at least one of your composition (a stageplay, a poem or a short story)
3. On the day of auditions you will have to bring a hard copy of your composition (which will be submitted and not returned)
4. An interview will take place on the day of the audition
5. You are free to send multiple compositions

Rules: (Stage Management)
1. Please register online (using the registration tab or via email)
2. An interview will be conducted on the day of audition for the various posts available

You are free to opt for multiple categories mentioned above.

For any queries, please contact:

Pravesh Parekh
(+91) 9560021040

Write to us at: [email protected]
The dates for this year's auditions will be announced soon enough. We are just finalizing some small details after which we will be disclosing the dates. Watch this space for details (including rules and how to register) for the auditions.

We are holding auditions for Actors (Male/Female), Scriptwriters and also for Stage Mangers. More details to be added here soon! Stay tuned!
The new year has started and we all are very excited to be back on campus. The dates for auditions will be announced soon. We hope that you are as excited about this year as we are. Hope to see you at the auditions! Stay tuned!